Personalized yoga

We will work together to cultivate a class that is tailored to what your body needs in that moment.

Power flow

This class is designed to challenge your practice. Building fire within the body using long, static holds mixed with fluid transitions from one posture to the next while staying mindful and present with your breath.

slow flow

This class is designed to promote balance and stability in your practice. Slowing down each movement to be fully aware of the shape created in each posture and tuning into how it feels in your body. Using the breath to guide you from one posture to the next.


This class is designed to deepen your practice. A deeply reflective and introspective practice that holds space for you to fully settle into your body and release tension from the muscle. Grounding postures are held for several minutes with a moment of rebounding in between each pose. The rebound is a complete surrender of the body allowing you to notice and feel the subtle energy shifts and new areas of softness throughout the body.


This class is designed to recharge your practice. Restorative yoga focuses on minimizing movements while opening tight areas of the body through passive stretching. Your body is fully supported by blankets, pillows and blocks to allow a complete surrender of every muscle. Postures are held for an extended period of time to allow you to feel deep relaxation of the mind and body.

yoga foundations

This class is designed to bring a deeper awareness to your practice. Yoga foundations focuses on the alignment of the body while exploring your unique expression and depth of the posture, promoting a balance of strength and flexibility. Bringing awareness to how the body feels and finding areas in each pose to create more space and openness. Mindfully flowing through Surya Namaskar A and B, a dedicated practice on balancing, backbending, or inversions, and reconnecting with the roots of the asana practice to prepare the body for a silent seated mediation.

thai massage

Bodywork that combines breathwork, assisted yoga postures for deep stretching, muscle fascia release, and massage.

the History

Thai massage is an ancient form of bodywork developed in Thailand with influences from Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine. This practice was created by Shivago Komarpaj, known as Father Doctor, a physician from over 2500 years ago. He was from northern India and said to be a friend and personal physician of the Buddha.

Thai massage is a combination of acupressure, energy line work, joint mobilization and assisted yoga stretching. Thai massage is a unique form of bodywork that differs from traditional massage by its use of the body's energy line system, known as Sen lines. There are thousands of energy channels present in the physical body. Activating these channels allows the energy to move with ease throughout the body promoting whole body healing and wellness.

the technique

The session will begin with the recipient resting comfortably on a thick futon like mat. The body will be positioned supine, prone, side lying or seated throughout the massage and you will remain fully clothed.

Your body will be positioned and maneuvered by me. Your role in this dynamic is to remain fully relaxed and passive in your body. I will move your body into yoga postures stretching the muscles and encouraging the movement of stagnant energy with pressure and compression of the tissue, following the rhythmic flow of your breath, and using my fingers, hands, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet to perform different techniques throughout the session.

the benefits

Thai massage affects all layers of your being: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual.

Benefits may include: deep relaxation, anxiety and stress relief, increased energy, ease of mobility, improvement in flexibility, balancing the energy within, restoring healthy circulation, stimulation of internal organs, and improvement with digestion. This sacred practice brings harmony and balance to the mind, body and spirit.

the ritual

The space will be energetically cleansed and prepared with love and compassion prior to your arrival. Practicing from a place of metta, मैत्री, the cultivation of love and kindness for all beings.

Once you are settled and comfortable, I will set the intention for the practice, as discussed with you upon your arrival. I will ground my energy and work from a place of spirit and intuition. This sacred practice is meditative for both the practitioner and the recipient. I respect and fully appreciate this ancient form of healing and bodywork. I am honored to facilitate this offering and to be present for your journey to wholeness and healing.

Guided meditation & sound bath

A deeply immersive, full body listening experience that intentionally uses sound and vibrational energy to ease the mind and physical body into a space for releasing tension and finding restoration.

The journey

The practice begins with intentional breathwork to encourage grounding and tension release within the body and calming of the mind. I will lead you through the practice of yoga nidra (yogic sleep) as you move your awareness from our external space to the inner workings of your being. Through guided imagery, your body and mind will surrender into a deeper level of conscious rest. With a heavy, relaxed body and an open mind you will be in a space to receive the sound and vibrational healing energy from the beautifully orchestrated instruments.


A Japanese healing practice that uses gentle touch to balance and move energy throughout the body.

the practice

Energy flows through all living things. Practitioners of Reiki understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy, using it to strengthen energy within themselves and others. Life force energy is channeled from the abundance of the Universe through the practitioner to transmute heavy, imbalanced, and stagnant energy.

Energy should be strong and free flowing throughout the body; promoting balance and wellness of the mind, body, and soul. When energy becomes weak or blocked it causes dis-ease and dysregulation of the physical and emotional self; causing disease to manifest.

Reiki helps to ease tension and soften stress, gently supporting the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.

Sacred space creation

Creating magick

Having a space in your home where you can go to unplug from the world; a place where you can tune into and recharge your mind, body, and spirit; a sanctuary to cultivate and manifest your magic; is so vital as you walk this spiritual journey and explore the depths of your soul.

I will work with you to find that place, that unused nook in your home, a corner of a room, a special box that holds your dreams…

A sacred space looks and feels different to every soul. Together we will design the perfect space for you.